Saturday, April 19, 2008


So, last night I had a little hair dying's the coverage:
First attempt, not so goodLets try another brand, maybe that will help?NOPE!Might as well join the circus...After bleaching it twice to try and make it NOT orange/yellow/clownish color...we tried light brown:



Bee Happy Stamper said...

Man, who's your hairdresser? I'm glad it worked out even if it did take like 12 hours!!!

I owe you a haircut, Heidi

Laura B from the LBC said...

All I can say is "You're poor hair!".....K, now you can't touch it for a long time. I don't want a bald sister....

But the brown looks cuter than the orange/yellow.

murdockspencer said...

When are my sisters going to learn not to mess with hair dye?

Anne of Green Barlows said...

Yikes! So I am so glad that it turned out like the last picture! I of all people know the panic that comes from the wrong will recover, but it takes a while. I concur with Laura-the brown is cute.

james & erin said...


Shelby Nicole said...

you have some of the WORST hair dying experiences/luck! I'm so sorry! And Laura is are gonna go bald if you don't behave! I thought that back in march you had vowed to being dye-free for a didn't even last two months!! haha I do still love you tho! AND YOUR HAIR! :)