Saturday, March 1, 2008

Sing-a-long Saturday!

These are the ADORABLE oufits I bought for my niece-on-the-way! And, I actually don't have any new recommendations this week because I've been addicted to Colbie Caillat and only listening to her :)


Chantalle said...

So cute!! How fun to get girly clothes :) I liked your movie review...we are definitely dollar theater people, and thats only about twice a year :) (We watch a lot of TV and borrow seasons from people). But I want to see Step Up 2...I saw the first one a few weeks ago when I borrowed it from my family. We borrowed that and 'She's The Man' which we thought was hilarious.

murdockspencer said...

Thank you so much for those cute clothes! Chel is so excited to put them on little Sami!

Chase and Amanda said...

Cute stuff!! Why am I not listed among your friendly bloggers?

Anne of Green Barlows said...

Oh Hi! So I think that we are going to have the cutest (maybe most spoiled) little niece in the world! She will be so cute in all of the things we will get for her...

james & erin said...

i loooooooooove baby clothes!