This lipgloss is amazing! It stays on for a while and tastes good and adds a bit of color :)

Stride Gum really does last forever and this orange flavor smells makes people want to take it right outta my mouth!

So, California has a new law effective July 1st where everyone has to have a handsfree phone while driving. I got this jawbone and I am addicted! Now I dont have to search through my purse everytime my phone rings...its attached to my ear! Dont worry, I dont walk through the grocery store with it on and talking so people think Im talking to myself...

OK, I know you might not know what this is. It's a document binding machine. I have one in my office for proposals and I love it! I want to bind everything and make pretty presentations all the time.

Your a nerd.. I can't believe you posted a document binding machine!
you are so dang funny! I am going to go and buy that dang lipgloss now! :)
Excellent recommendations! I will definitely have to try the lip stuff and the gum...
i hate this new law, esp since i am moving to utah in a month. i've heard a few recommendations for the jawbone though, so i'm tempted. it's so expensive though!
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