Friday, February 15, 2008

I did it!

I have joined the blogger's world! My sister Anne convinced me today to start my own because we are no longer in the same city and none of my friends know what is going on with me. So here it is!

I am currently unemployed but have a few jobs on the rise so I am getting excited to get out of the house!

Sad/Funny story of the day: My dad let me drive his Porsche Speedster today. (Props to Mikey for building a smooth driving piece of machinery) Well, I finally got the hang of driving a stick shift, not stalling even once, and when I was pulling it back into the garage I accidently ran it into the mirror that was guiding me! EEEEEK! I cried and called my mom asking what to do and then called my dad and told him. Nothing happened to the car but I broke the bottom off the mirror so it's a little shorter now. I think it's safe to say that I wont be allowed to drive that thing for a while!


murdockspencer said...

Sweet! I get to be the first to comment on your blog! Looks good, keep it coming. We love to see new stuff on the blog.

Anne of Green Barlows said...

Excellent job on your blog! Looks like you guys had fun in the City! I look forward to seeing more and knowing more of what is going on!